David Lee’s Upcoming Talk on TID at HK PolyU
You’re invited! Mr David C Lee’s talk at Dept. of Building and Real Estate of HK PolyU – English Session. Live 4 July at 8PM HKT.
Last year, Mr. David C. Lee, BBS, JP, founder of D.H. international Group Holdings Limited, visited Jumbo Globe Hong Kong office and shared his experience and solutions in various Transport Integrated Development (TID) projects in Hong Kong and mainland China.
Coming up on 4th July, Mr David C Lee will continue bringing the insightful information of TID to Department of Building and Real Estate of Hong Kong Polytechnic University (MSc-IRE Programme). Save the time and Zoom webinar link below!
Topic: Transport Integrated Development (TID)
Date: 4th July 2022 (Mon)
Time: 8:15PM to 9:45PM HKT
Language: English
Link: https://polyu.zoom.us/j/92473619195?pwd=SXNRQVY0THQvN01OZGJpWFVKWEUrQT09
LEE Tsung Hei David, Chris, BBS, JP, has been an independent non-executive Director since 1998. Mr. Lee is the Chairman and Managing Director of DH Group Investment Ltd, DH Capital (HK) Ltd, DS Capital Group Co Ltd, DS Transport Interchange Development Ltd and Guangzhou DHC Investment Advisory Ltd. He was qualified as a Chartered Valuation Surveyor in 1973 and was registered as an Authorised Person in 1977. He is a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, a Registered Professional Surveyor, a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, an associate of the Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers, and an associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Mr. Lee is a former member of the Central Policy Unit, which is known as the Government “Think Tank”, a past Chairman of the Hong Kong Housing Society, a former member of the Supervisory Board of the Hong Kong Housing Society, a former director of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, a former Council member of Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a former member of the Land and Building Advisory Committee, and the Steering Committee on review of the Urban Renewal Strategy. He is currently a member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board and Chairman of the Property Advisory Committee of the Salvation Army. Mr. Lee was the chairman and a member of each of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Connected Transactions/Related Party Transactions Committee; and a member of the Nomination Committee of the Company prior to his resignation.
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